The liposuction procedure is best used on patients whose skins are still elastic enough to return to its tighter appearance after weight loss. Tummy Tuck with Liposuction – This incorporates two cosmetic surgeries.

It will then be super-heated, which will effectively melt the fat on the surrounding area. This operation will utilize a thin laser fiber just underneath the skin.
Reverse Tummy Tuck – As the name implies, the reverse tummy tuck is performed by removing excess fat and skin around the upper part of the abdomen rather than in the middle or below.The surgeon will be taking off extra fat and skin out of the body’s “love handles” which can also improve the muscle’s condition around that part of the body.
Extended Tummy Tuck – Similar to the full tummy tuck, the extended variation also takes the sides of the abdomen into account.This will result in a firmer abdomen as the cosmetic surgeon will be removing any excess skin as well. Full Tummy Tuck – The full tummy tuck has the highest percentage of delivering the best possible results.The mini-tummy tuck is best used by patients who are still relatively in good shape but have packed on a few pounds under the belly button area. It incorporates techniques similar to a C-section procedure.